
-since 1990-

Projects in database : 125

Countries: 48 (click here to see the list).

Each of our projects has a unique "project number". Please use this number in your correspondence to us if you have any questions.


Projects since 2012 -2024 (24 projects in 3 additional countries not previously active; Cuba, Portugal and Germany).



• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Afaktive. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2023-2028).

• 2024-1. Netherlands-Belgium. Start of the Interreg project Cambium. An agroforestry project (2024-2027).

• 2021-1. The Netherlands. Active as an Agroforestry expert on the Dutch market 2021-till now), started as a member of the Province network North Brabant, later also Limburg, Overijssel and Utrecht. Mostly in the role of creating AF business plans. Member of various working groups.

• 2023-2. The Netherlands. Agroforestry project North Brabant phase 3 (2023-2025). In this project we develop a collegial chain for Agroforestry land users so that they can work together better. Collaboration is crucial in the development of the Agroforestry sector in general.



• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Afaktive. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2023-2028).

• 2021-1. The Netherlands. Active as an Agroforestry expert on the Dutch market 2021-till now), started as a member of the Province network North Brabant, later also Limburg, Overijssel and Utrecht. Mostly in the role of creating AF business plans. Member of various working groups.

• 2023-1. The Netherlands. For the Aa en Maas water authority, we made a picking garden business plan for 't Gulden land and in another assignment an impact assessment of cutting down vegetation at the Asten WWTP.

• 2023-2. The Netherlands. Agroforestry project North Brabant phase 3 (2023-2025). In this project we develop a collegial chain for Agroforestry land users so that they can work together better. Collaboration is crucial in the development of the Agroforestry sector in general.



• 2016-4. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract. Feasibility study for starting a Bamboo sector support program in various countries.

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).

• 2021-1. The Netherlands. Active as an Agroforestry expert on the Dutch market 2021-till now), started as a member of the Province network North Brabant, later also Limburg, Overijssel and Utrecht. Mostly in the role of creating AF business plans. Member of various working groups.



• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).

• 2021-1. The Netherlands. Active as an Agroforestry expert on the Dutch market 2021-till now), started as a member of the Province network North Brabant, later also Limburg, Overijssel and Utrecht. Mostly in the role of creating AF business plans. Member of various working groups.



• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).

• 2020-1. The Netherlands. Small impact assessment of cutting down vegetation on behalf of a private owner.



• 2016-1. Germany. FSC head office multi-year contract (2016-2019) to carry out risk analyzes related to their CNRA program. A total of CNRAs created for 10 countries.

• 2016-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Montado. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2016-2019).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).



• 2016-1. Germany. FSC head office multi-year contract (2016-2019) to carry out risk analyzes related to their CNRA program. A total of CNRAs created for 10 countries.

• 2016-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Montado. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2016-2019).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ FarmLife. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2018-2024).

• 2018-2. The Netherlands. Small impact assessment of cutting down vegetation around a RHK water treatment plant. Commissioned by RHK on behalf of the Aa en Maas water authority.



• 2014-6. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract (2012-2017). For global market research in the wood sector (with 15 publications this year).

• 2016-1. Germany. FSC head office multi-year contract (2016-2019) to carry out risk analyzes related to their CNRA program. A total of CNRAs created for 10 countries.

• 2016-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Montado. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2016-2019).

• 2017-1. Spain. Created a business plan for investor Bambulogic for new bamboo plantations in Spain.

• 2017-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Desert Adapt. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2017-2023).

• 2017-3. Cuba. For FMO and RHDHV a Technical and Due Diligence report regarding Biopower Biomass to Energy projects in Cuba.



• 2012-3. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Project Operation C02, first real test of the Land+ approach and start of Agroforestry as a tool (2012-2017).

• 2016-2. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Life Montado. Follow-up test of the Land+ approach and Agroforestry as a tool (2016-2019).

• 2016-1. Germany. FSC head office multi-year contract (2016-2019) to carry out risk analyzes related to their CNRA program. A total of CNRAs created for 10 countries.

• 2015-1. Dutch RVO-SIB scheme. For companies from the Netherlands that would like to export. Helped several companies this year.

• 2015-2. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract (2012-2017). For global market research in the wood sector (with 20 publications this year).

• 2016-3. Suriname. Small project to prepare Surinamese timber trade for EUTR. Partly done via the RVO-SIB scheme.

• 2016-4. Ireland. A contract via Nepcon for research into and status of SFM in Ireland. This is part of FSC-CNRA work.



• 2012-3. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Project Operation C02, first real test of the Land+ approach and start of Agroforestry as a tool (2012-2017).

• 2011-0. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract. This is a long-term contract (2011-2015) for bringing 17 timber companies from Bolivia to the EU market.

• 2014-2. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract (2012-2017). For global market research in the wood sector (with 15 publications this year).

• 2011-2. Dutch MMF projects (Match Making Facility) carried out by RVO. This concerns companies from developing countries that want to export to the Netherlands. Multi-year arrangement.

• 2013-1. Dutch IDH contract. To carry out marketing activities for a group of 10 exporters from Peru.

• 2015-1. Dutch RVO-SIB scheme. For companies from the Netherlands that would like to export. Helped several companies this year.



• 2012-3. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Project Operation C02, first real test of the Land+ approach and start of Agroforestry as a tool (2012-2017).

• 2014-1. Colombia. Business plan for investors wanting to start Agroforestry in Colombia.

• 2011-0. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract. This is a long-term contract (2011-2015) for bringing 17 timber companies from Bolivia to the EU market.

• 2013-2. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract (2012-2017). For global market research in the wood sector (with 14 publications this year).

• 2013-1. Dutch IDH contract. To carry out marketing activities for a group of 10 exporters from Peru.

• 2011-2. Dutch MMF projects (Match Making Facility) carried out by RVO. This concerns companies from developing countries that want to export to the Netherlands. Multi-year arrangement.



• 2012-3. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Project Operation C02, first real test of the Land+ approach and start of Agroforestry as a tool (2012-2017).

• 2011-2. Dutch MMF projects (Match Making Facility) carried out by RVO. This concerns companies from developing countries that want to export to the Netherlands. Multi-year arrangement.

• 2013-1. Dutch IDH contract. To carry out marketing activities for a group of 10 exporters from Peru.

• 2011-0. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract. This is a long-term contract (2011-2015) for bringing 17 timber companies from Bolivia to the EU market.

• 2011-6. Dutch CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, now RVO) contract (2012-2017). For global market research in the wood sector (with 26 publications this year and next year).



• 2012-3. EU. FSG technical project manager of Life+ Project Operation C02, first real test of the Land+ approach and start of Agroforestry as a tool (2012-2017). Start of the project in 2012.

• 2011-7. Bosnia: Carbon credits project (business plan), commissioned by investor.

• 2012-1. Mexico: Carbon credits project (business plan), commissioned by investor.

• 2012-2. Spain: Carbon credits quick scan, commissioned by investor.


Older project (between 1990-2012)

Click this link to go to our old website and see the complete list. Last update of the old database; Oct 2011 (in total 101 projects in 45 countries).

Like to see our old site? It's still in the air!