Life projects

Afaktive. Life. (2023-2027). Ongoing.


With Agroforestry, the AFaktive project hopes to improve water retention in the landscape. This form of climate adaptation helps to protect against drought, erosion and flooding due to changing weather conditions.


Within the AFaktive project, urgently needed practical projects will be carried out for five years to test Agroforestry systems in agriculture and thus improve water management. The participants in the consortium come from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The project receives a subsidy from the EU Life program and was started in November 2023. More information about the Life project can be found on the website of the University of Trier. Check out the official EU website for this Life project here.





Older Life projecs


Farmlife. Life. (2018-2024). Finished.

Desert-Adapt. Life. (2017-2023). Finished.

Life Montado. Life. (2016-2019). Finished.

Operation C02. Life. (2012-2017). Finished.


Interreg projects

Cambium, Interreg. (2024-2027). Ongoing.


Accelerating agroforestry in Flanders and the Netherlands.

CAMBIUM wants to promote and accelerate a profitable application of agroforestry in Flanders and the Netherlands by increasing the support and professionalization of advice and knowledge sharing. Connecting actors and multidisciplinary knowledge about Agroforestry into a broadly applicable and integrated guidance instrument is essential to facilitate the implementation of agroforestry across borders.


An agricultural practice such as agroforestry that contributes more to biodiversity and a resilient soil and water system is desirable in light of climate change. The added value of agroforestry is still insufficiently embraced due to the lack of research results in local contexts, agro-ecological education at various levels, a change in mentality among farmers and consumers, a clear and stimulating legislative framework and economic added value. CAMBIUM tackles these bottlenecks.


Link Interreg, projectpage. Link to the mainpage of the projectleader (Praktijkpunt Landbouw).