Professionals in Agroforestry.
As a group of professionals with a background in natural resource management and international development, we established the Forestry Service Group in 1995. FSG has since served as a collective consulting platform for supporting profit-and non-profit organizations in the South and North toward improved sustainability of natural resource-based commodity chains. In its almost 30 years of existence, FSG has worked in more than 48 countries and in more than 125 different projects.
FSG consultants are driven by their commitment to help solve global challenges such as climate change, deforestation and poverty. For this we developed our so called “Land+” approach. FSG’s LAND+ is the answer for profitable and sustainable land use solutions and is the basis behind the Agroforestry toolbox we use in our daily work.
What is LAND+?
Value your Land as you value the Future!
LAND+ is a stepwise approach to increase economic, social and environmental benefits from land in a balanced way. Core features are:
Sustainability, with a balance between economic, social and environmental benefits.
Responsibility, by connecting with global policy trends such as CSR, ILUC, Bioenergy and climate change.
Profitability, with multiple income sources selected from a long list of bioproducts and ecoservices.
Customizability, with tailored solutions for many types of land, climates, soils and ecosystems. And custom-made solutions for each land-user.
These four element are interdependent: neither can exist without insurance of the other. In too many occasions around the world, one or more of these components missing. The world-wide effects are all too evident, in the form of deforestation, resource degradation and climate change. For example, people are not inclined to follow sustainability rules if there are no markets to reward their efforts. Moreover, profitable markets are only found when certain quality criteria are met. And without adequate skills and knowledge regarding sustainable practices, no community in the world can comply with the principles and criteria involved.
LAND plus is the acronym for: Land And Natural resource Development based on Profitable Land Use and Sustainability.
Our customers from the Agroforestry sector would recognize this in several tools FSG is using, like the Card game, used to make the crucial choices for each landuser. Or the economical model we use to calculate all costs and benefits of Agroforestry.
FSG uses Agroforestry as the main tool to integrate all four Land+ components into one common integral approach. This will lead to a kind of development where local interests meet global concerns and vice versa. Indeed, we seek local-impact solutions to global challenges.